S18plus Overview S18plus.com is a leading adult entertainment platform offering high-quality pornographic videos and short-videos for streaming and sharing. With a diverse collection catering to various tastes and preferences, S18plus.com ensures an inclusive, secure, and engaging experience for all users. Join our community to explore, share, and enjoy premium adult content. S18plus pays its users for activities on the website such as uploading videos, watching videos, likes and comments on videos.
Usogbu Record Label Discover the Future of Music with Usogbu Record Label At Linkserve Platforms, Inc., we are proud to announce the launch of our music record label, (Usogbu Record Label) Dedicated to discovering and nurturing young, talented music artists, Usogbu Record Label is here to redefine the music industry by providing a platform for artists to shine and thrive. Our Mission Usogbu Record Label is committed to identifying and signing exceptional young talent from diverse musical backgrounds. Our mission is to promote and elevate the careers of these artists, helping them reach their full potential and connect with a global audience. We believe in the power of music to inspire, unite, and transform lives. What We Offer 1. Talent Development We provide comprehensive support to our signed artists, including: - Professional Training: Vocal coaching, performance workshops, and music theory education. - Mentorship: Guidance from industry veterans to help shape your career and artist...
The Beginnings of Linkserve Platforms, Inc. Founded on February 22, 2020, Linkserve Platforms, Inc. emerged from the collective vision and determination of a group of passionate young technology enthusiasts. As undergraduate students, we were driven by a shared goal: to create innovative platforms that would not only attract millions of users but also make a positive impact on society. Founders and Early Vision Brightest King L, the founder of Linkserve Platforms, Inc., brought together a talented team of like-minded individuals, each bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea: to leverage technology to build platforms that empower people and drive social change. One of the most significant milestones in our early history was the creation of Usogbu Record Label. This groundbreaking product was conceived by Jerri Boi, whose vision and creativity were instrumental in shaping the label into a platform that nurtures and pro...